Dawid Wizor

Rabid Rat

He is a self-taught 3D artist with a passion for blending technology and creativity, which is why Houdini has become his go-to tool. Currently, he works as a Houdini Technical Director (TD), CGI Supervisor, and instructor. At Rabid Rat, he focuses on projects in the advertising industry, where he balances technical problem-solving with artistic design. Additionally, he teaches Houdini courses at M4G Seminars, sharing his skills and helping others dive into the world of procedural workflows. While most of his work is in advertising, he also has experience in game development. One of his favorite projects was working with Rabid Rat on the game Bumpkin and Sprout, which gave him the chance to bring interactive worlds to life. He enjoys connecting with others who are passionate about 3D art and exploring what’s possible with tools like Houdini.