Andrey Muravyov


Andrey Muravyov is the former General Manager of the Minsk office of Wargaming, ex-Head of Publishing for the CIS region, and ex-Head of Central Publishing Services. He is 48 years old, married, and a Catholic. He was born in the town of Miory in the Vitebsk region of Belarus. He currently resides in Cyprus and holds dual citizenship in Cyprus and Belarus. He worked at the international company Wargaming (known for World of Tanks, FTP, with over 200 million players, World of Warships, etc.) as the Head of Publishing. Currently, he is an advisor to the CEO and is involved in game publishing.In addition to his professional career, he writes historical and science fiction books, which are published in Belarus and Russia and have won international awards. His great-grandparents and grandparents were born in Poland and lived there until 1939. He has many relatives in Poland, in Bukowno and Katowice. He wants to share insights on the principles of building a successful game worth billions of dollars from a publisher’s perspective. He will be speaking in English.